Friday, February 18, 2011

Next Time We Misplace Ben ...

I know where I'll look for him ~

Inside Idiom, the book sculpture at the Prague Municipal Library at Mariánské náměstí.

Czechoslovak artist Matej Krén created Idiom, which was installed in 1998.

Krén is into book art, apparently.

Idiom was featured recently on the cover of the journal Science, the January 14th issue.


  1. Wow!! That is awesome! Is there any reinforcement? Is there an index of the titles used? Very cool :)

  2. Amazing! I assume these books are not for circulation.

  3. @ Rachael ~ if you look at the last picture in the upper left-hand quadrant, I think you can see a small rod that's been fed through a drilled hole. It's underneath the light-blue book by Kasper Hauser. That's how it's reinforced.

    I have no idea if Krén kept track of the titles he used. Kind of doubt it. Interesting to note that Danielle Steele is represented. (I'll resist the snark remark.)

    @ Mom ~ only in a visual way. ;)

  4. I saw the Science cover and thought it was really cool. I missed that it is in Prague!

  5. @ Stowstepp ~ the photo Science put on the cover was amazing, a lot better than any of mine (shocking, huh?). I figured there would be at least of friends out there who saw the original.

    Stan? What about you?
