Monday, September 27, 2010

First Day of School!

Although September 1st was Ben and Garrett's official first day of school, it was really more of a quick Welcome Back day. Everyone arrived at 8am, found their classrooms, met their teachers, and got to check out all the new renovations done to the building over the summer.

Still. It was all a little intimidating (to mom, anyway). It didn't help that we kind of mixed up the parent/kid thing. Karl went with Ben, who fell right into line in the 2nd grade class. Apparently he even jumped in and answered a number question. (Ben, not Karl.)

I, however, was with Garrett in Kindergarten. And it was more or less an orientation to big school for the kids and parents. The teacher spent much of an hour speaking just to the parents. I have no idea what she said at all. The other parents busily took notes and asked questions. Karl finally joined us and was able to catch the last bit, plus the information regarding what G should have in order to be prepared for the next day.

So that was humbling.

The principal and teachers assured us that the boys would be fine and adjusted to Czech within a couple of months. I hoped then – and continue to hope – they're right.

Here is Garrett at a table with some classmates. Doesn't he look excited?

Actually, the boys were okay with everything mostly because we were at school for only 90 minutes and then we went to the zoo for 5 hours.

What kid wouldn't think that was an ideal school day?

1 comment:

  1. They'll be fine, Kate. The other boys at the table didn't look that thrilled either.
