Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We have to wait until next year to go trick-or-treating, but that didn't stop us from carving some super cool Jack O'Lanterns. Pumpkins came from our trip to a farm in Bykoš several weeks ago. The owners host an annual Pumpkin Picking event, which is attended mostly by expats longing for a little seasonal spookiness. They know a revenue source when they see one.

Garrett wanted a vampire pumpkin.

Ben opted for a more unusual design. Any guesses?

Enter your impression of Ben's pumpkin -- first correct answer gets a postcard from Prague. :)

Hope you had a harrowing Halloween! Next year, we'll be back on your doorstep, shaking you down for treats.


  1. Is it one entry per person/per household?? Just kidding! A clown/Ronald McDonald-type-ish Halloween version... I guess this guess goes to show how well I DON'T know the interests of young boys.

  2. Rachael, isn't it *way* too early for you to be up?! Or have you not gone to bed yet? :)

  3. @Kate:
    Ha... yeah..about that.. I was nursing Gabriel and nodded off for like 20 minutes (before I was actually going to bed)... so when I woke up, I was then Up and Awake for HOURS!!

    @Jenifer: Great guess!!

  4. R, J, & A -- I'm going to go ahead and send you guys postcards just for playing. :)

    But sadly ... no. You're all way off. You might have to know Ben a little better to know his proclivities.

    Rach -- email me your new address way out west. Jenz, I think I can dig yours up. A, I got you covered.

  5. Eric, Rejector of Memes/Player of Contests -- nay on the nauga. What *do* they look like anyway?

    Parenthropologist -- Seems like more of Political Scientologist answer, no? And, again, no.

    But you two are officially in the postcard queue. I'm sending out the answer via the Czech post.

  6. I would guess some sort of monster cat... but it is just a guess. Did you see the Signal frog pumpkin from our event? I should send you some photos.

  7. We just returned last night from spending the weekend in Denver +and the postcard was waiting for me on the table!

    Thanks, it is great :)
    And I love the answer...Makes so much sense now!
